Jag heter Ellen Vingren. Jag lyssnar bäst när jag ritar. När jag ritar lyssnar jag på mitt hjärta, på andra, musik, prat... Vissa av mina teckningar blir till prins - konst som trycks på fint papper och som vi säljer här. Ibland hamnar teckningen på ett mobilskal eller som en del av en logga eller något annat.. Fortsätt scrolla så kan du få se en del av det jag gjort. // My name is Ellen Vingren. I live in Sweden and listen better when I'm drawing. I listen to my heart, God, music, podcast... Sometimes my drawings end up as art prints here. Sometimes my drawings end up on cellphone cases or logos or something else. Keep scrolling to take a look at my portfolio. //
Libris bokförlag
Collaboration with the book publishing company Libris for the book "Handbok för livskämpar". Find the book here.
Collaboration with Diakonia - a Swedish development organization.
Cre Art Magasin
2014 I made some art in the art magazine Cre (Cre Magasin no 11:2014). The first piece on the left was animated by Viktor Paulsson to poetry by Nils Lundqvist and music by Johan Lager/Wilhelm. See it HERE.
2016 I made drawings for the art magazine Cre (Cre Magasin no 14:2016),
Band Artwork
in 2017 I made this merchandise art work for the artist bianca rose and her album "no fear here".
2011 - 2014 I was I part of the duo "Two Birds" and made the merchandise. Email to buy.
In 2014 I made the artwork for the duo Season Songs EP. All profit goes to charity. Find the print and the album HERE.
Drawing of a weddinginvitation. Graphic design och foto: http://www.prettypaper.se/
Logo for florist and stylist Maria Abrahamson at http://www.sjal.se/ur-det-wilda.
Swedish television in the interior design program "Äntligen Hemma" on TV4. Styling: Elsa Billgren
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